Category: Release - Page 2

Escape From BioStation Release Date - update

Following some good rounds of beta testing, the date of the live release is being brought FORWARD - in what can only be described as an exciting and unprecedented move*.

The game will now be released on July the 3rd 2017

*Unless someone has done it before... I'll not check, and assume they haven't

Escape From BioStation Release Date

Exciting news: Release date is confirmed for the 25th of July!

I think that in pretty much every announcement I've made I've said a later and later date... but this time I MEAN it!

It has continued to be a busy few months since the last update. Mostly just getting bugs fixed, but also all of the assets together for release on steam. It turns out you need a load of them - images for trading cards, backgrounds, achievements, badges and so on. Well that's all done now. Here's a bit of "cover" art I think looks neat:

Kickstarter rewards will be going out on the 18th of July.

Closed beta is going to start in the next few days. If you are interested in participating then please get in touch!


Alpha Release! Escape From BioStation v0.1

I'm delighted to announce that Escape from BioStation is now in the alpha testing phase!

You can check out the full article for the awesome kickstarter folks here: